It was printed sometime after what it calls ‘The Great War’.
Maybe the 1920s. Not much of the stamp album is left now. Over the years, since
my Dad got it me second hand as a kid, I’ve moved most of the stamps out. Once
the pages were full. Many stamps glued in. Some with massive stamp hinges.
Lost and gone now: Danish West Indies, Danzig, Slesvig. Danzig was a semi-autonomous state from 1920 onwards,
so that helps date the album. Some of the stamps are later. One on this page is
dated 1944.
At the back it says ‘Property
of J S Hepple’. I wonder who he was? When he lived? Pretty obviously collecting
through the Second World War. I guess he’s maybe no longer alive? And possibly
this is all that’s left of his life?
Just for a while I share that life. And so do you as you
read this. J S Hepple never knew us. I trust he lived well.
What will we leave for future generations? More than a stamp
We build on others foundations. And lay the foundations for
others. Build well.